Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Three is Company

When my now husband and I were engaged, someone had posed the question: Out of all the reasons I wanted to marry this incredible man, what stuck out the most? I answered without hesitation. 

For as long as I can remember, my life has been nothing short of an adventure. But as we all know, adventures can be made of joyous, fun times, as well as scary, trying times. For every adventure in my life, it had been God and me. I wasn't vulnerable with anyone the way I was with God. And I liked it that way. No matter what the situation, I could go to God and be met with love, comfort, truth, and be prepped for the battle ahead. It was my safest place, and I didn't want anyone else there. 

Growing up over the years, I never swayed from wanting that bond to be just God and I. I never wanted a third person open to my vulnerability, or introduced into the relationship God had so graciously built with me. I remember someone saying to me that things would change when I met the right guy, and I had even been told to learn how to let others in. My thoughts? No thanks. 
Until I met Zach (I bet you didn't see that coming). 

I think it probably started earlier than I realized, but the first time it became clear to me was in a hospital room at JFK. I had a hemorrhage somewhere in my body, and I had lost over half of my body's blood. I was receiving an emergency blood transfusion (which I've had before, but just felt uneasy for some reason), and there was what felt like a lot of chaos: talk between my parents, me, doctors in the hospital, doctors on the phone from NYP, doctors trying to reach my normal transplant doctors, nurses monitoring me, machines beeping, IV pumps grinding.. I was visibly anxious and nervously shaking my foot on the bed as I tried to keep up with the twister of conversations and events going on in this one room. 

And then Zach walked in. And I know it sounds so beyond cliche, but all the chaos just.. stopped. It just stopped. He smiled the way he does when he's trying not to let on that he's worried about me, came over to my bed, sat on the side and put his arm around me. I was both surprised and thankful; I had found the one who I wanted on the team with God and me. 

That's my answer to the question. What reason of wanting to marry Zach stuck out to me the most? Because he is the one God decided to use to bring me comfort in a new way. Because he is the only one I've ever wanted on the team. Because of those things combined with the other wonderful traits that make up Zach. To put it simply... because he is my gift from God. 

When Zach and I were picking out our wedding bands, it was important to me to get a scripture reference engraved inside my ring. God brought this verse to mind: 

Ecclesiastes 4:12
 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

So tonight, I just wanted to write my excitement as I ponder this amazing life, and how thankful I am to be part of a triple-braided cord; God, Zach, and me. 

God blessed me with my husband because God is love.