Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Whoever said roids were bad didn't have CF

Welllll.. I havent blogged in a million years, so I figured now would be the opportune time to.  I got admitted to the hospital last night.  I was working extra hard to breathe, and my oxygen wouldn't stabilize even though we were using more and more supplemental o2.  Anyway, here I am, on IVs and o2, definitely already doing better than I was last night -- still have a ways to go of course, but definitely improved.  They gave me solumedrol (sp?) -- which is basically prednisone that goes right into your IV.  That is some great stuff.  Last night my doc told me she didn't hear much air movement and was concerned, but today she said she hears air movement and that I "needed the 'roids!" hahah I couldn't agree more!

I've already gotten two blood draws, other lab tests which will remain secretive because they aren't exactly ..lady-like -- but feel free to use your imaginations on that one, an X-ray, an EKG and an echocardiogram.  Everything seems to be ok so far, just waiting on the results of the echo which we will probably get tomorrow.  God is of course so nice through this all and is helping me just rest.  I usually get very, very stressed about my port IV because not a lot of nurses know how to properly care for it and we can't have it be jeopardized.  Well.. definitely less stress because I'm not being disconnected.  I need fluids, so in between antibiotics and sterioids, I just remain hooked up to fluids which elminates the worry of anyone flushing it incorrectly, etc. 

Also I am EXTREMELY thankful and in awe of my parents.  Last night my mom slept maybe and hour. MAYBE. and that was on a really uncomfortable chair.  But did she complain at all?  Nope.  I am so overly relieved that she's here with me, and that helps me rest a lot more, too, knowing that shes overseeing everything.  We both got to take naps this afternoon for about 2 hours without interruption which was wonderful! 

Tonight, my dad came bearing gifts!  It is so stinkin' hot in this room and we can't change the temperature despite our 4:00AM attempt at googling how to set out thermostat.  It was to no avail.. but we found out today that the temps actually controlled by floor from somewhere else, not individual rooms.  Anyway, the hotness was why I didn't sleep last night, and it lended itself to being the second reason my mom couldnt sleep either.  Tonight, the hero of the Gorsky clan brought my mom a cot to sleep on, and a fan (AND it's pink!)  I never thought there would be a day where I was actually looking foward to bed time while I was in the hospital.. crazy!

So thankful for their love and dedication <333

Anyway, that's basically the update. Will keep you all posted for anyone who's reading this.

I am taken care of because God is love.

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