Monday, July 11, 2011

I wanna soak up the Son :]

Hello!  Looooonnnggg time no talk.  I haven't been writing on here.. obviously.  But I wanted to tonight because God is just SO nice.  So... This week is VBS (Vacation Bible School - a camp-like outreach at church where kids come from 8am-1pm ish and do crafts, have snack, and learn about God in lots of fun ways -- it's totallyyyy free and it's for ages kindergarten through 5th grade -- the teens, 6th grade through 12th, meet at night for their own youth night fun with snacks and games too!  Feel free to go, or send your children!  225 Middlesex Ave, Metuchen, NJ -- phone number 732-548-4279)  And I was psyched.  I LOVE it!  It's tiring, but so much fun.  I was worried, though, because my breathing hasn't exactly been up to par.  I want to serve the Lord, and serve these kids, but I don't want to do it and do a bad job because I can't breathe.  Anyway, needless to say people started praying!  Praying that I could breathe and have energy and strength, etc.  I got my therapy done early Sunday night so I could go to bed early and wake up nice and early Monday morn.  The plans.. got a little .. changed.  I guess I caught some kind of stomache bug.  I was feeling SO sick last night.  Not breathing wise, normal people wise haha.  I couldn't hold anything down (sorry for being gross) and my blood sugar kept dropping, which meant I kept needing to have soda, which meant I kept.. not holding it down.  Bla bla bla.  It was rough.  Have you ever felt so sick, but it's not like you can put a finger on what exactly is hurting?  It was almost like that, and my mom even had to calm me down a few times because I felt so sick I started to panic a little.  Anyway.. between 3 and 4 am, I could finally take tiny sips of gateorade and hold it!  As soon as we knew I was ok for a little fluid, I took two pills for anti-nausea.  God used them!   Praise God!  I REALLY hated feeling so sick, but God took it away!  I was still sick though, had to be careful not to drink too quickly, and then took my temperature.  104.1F.  Oy.  Sooo something was definitely wrong haha.  Anyway, after being up all night, I called one of the VBS directors at 6:30am to say that I really couldn't go.  She was SO nice!  It's such a blessing for people to be soo understanding and kind.  She told me not to worry and please feel better.  So I spent the day on the couch basically.  And God just awed me.  It seems as though he didn't answer the prayers of so many people, myself including.  But really, I think it's just the opposite.  What if God used the VBS prayers to protect me?  No, I didn't get to go to VBS, but all day I've barely coughed at all, even during my therapy.  My oxygen levels have been low lately, 92, sometimes 91 and I'll need oxygen.  Today they were steadily 94.  The pains in my chest were removed.  It's as if God KNEW I was going to get this sick, and he knew that people would pray for my breathing in doing VBS, so he used VBS to get them to pray specifically for that, so that now, I didn't suffer while I was sick by adding breathing complications to it.  I spoke with my doctor's office today, and they asked if I was coughing more than usual.  I replied "No... less actually.." How awesome is Jesus?  By His stripes we are healed!  And I love that by His scarred hands, we are protected.  This could have more than easily turned into a hospital trip, but it didn't.  And God even added in some plus's for me.  My doctor feels I got so sick, ironically, from a reaction to being on antibiotics.  So he said to stop them.  When I'm on the antibiotics, I can't be in the sun.  Even sometimes on a gray day, if I sit outside, I'll get a burn.  It's been ok because I breathe better in the air conditioning anyway, but I want to be in the sun sometimes.  And now I can!  AND it's one less pill for me to take, and figure out the timing of and everything.  Bahh.. God's so nice!  Anyway, as of right now my temp is 99.4, I can eat, my headache isn't as bad, but my stomache's still upset and I'm feeling a little tired/groggy.  But compared to last night, woof!  I just love how God really does plan everything, even though we forget he does.  And how he spends time with us, even when we're just laying on a couch.  Bahhh.. I can't wait to feel better and enjoy the outdoors with God -- I can't wait to soak up the Son! :P

I am shielded because God is love.
Psalm 3:3 "But you, O Lord, are a shield around me"

P.S. Thank you all for all the prayers!

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