Monday, May 9, 2011


How nice is God?!  Last night I couldn't sleep.. the pain in my side hurt in basically every position -- except if I layed flat on my back -- a position, try as I might, I can't sleep in.  So around 3 I fell asleep for about a half hour, and around 4 I just decided to bear the pain.  Except -- God had made it so much less than it was.  It REALLY hurt when I would lay on either of my sides, but then.. God made it bearable!  It still hurt a lot but was mild enough that I could at least fall asleep!  Thank you Jesus!  And throughout all the coughing, with my nightfeed in and everything, I didn't get sick!  ANNDDD you know how when you're so tired and you can't sleep you just get frustrated and like mad at the world haha that didn't happen!  God instead gave me Jesus glorifying thoughts, reminding me of the sword in Jesus' side, and how much he loved me to endure pain like that.  How awesome.  And then today, I just felt so in the center of God's hand.  I was breathing better than yesterday and not coughing as much -- which was awesome.  I said to my mom -- I love not totally not breathing haha I was in such a good mood -- and I got to give a Bible to my professor, and I had enough breath to walk to the class to give it to her, and just bahhh .  I love feeling held by God -- even though I know he holds me all the time lol -- I got my x-rays done and my mom was nice enough to come with me!  and drive!  lol I didn't feel like driving, and then she treated me to taking me to a shoe store and we I got shoes that I've been wanting.  Ah.  Good, good day.  Time for bed now.  Bahhh God :]

He holds me in the palm of His hands because God is love.

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