Friday, August 19, 2011

To hear or not to hear, that is the question

So despite the current situation .. I have to write about the greatness of God.  He is just so nice!  And bahhh. He's PERFECT <3 Strong, protective, loving, understanding, etc...

Today I had a hearing test to see if I am truly completely deaf in my left ear and to determine my level of hearing in my right ear.  The woman from audiology and her two students came to my room, hooked up the machine, and did the test.  The head of audiology was speaking with us and with a minor gusto told us that she does not understand how I can only be deaf in my left ear.  If I went deaf from the use of a particular medication (which I won't say what it is, because it is a wonderful drug, but unfortunately was OVER used in my case), it would be systemic -- meaning I would go deaf in both ears, not one.  So she asked rhetorically, why isn't she deaf in her right ear?  That's a legitimate question.  The only problem with her question .... it's not rhetoric.  There IS an answer of why I'm not deaf in that ear and it's because of the Grace and Power of Christ Jesus!  He put his hand over my ear and said no.  I LOVE IT!!  The woman didn't seem to believe that answer, but that doesn't change the fact that it's true.  I only hear because God protected that ear.  He only let the attack go so far.  I absolutely love that God, the same Creator and Almighty who set the boundaries of how far the ocean rolls onto the sands, did the same thing on me!  He set the boundary, and protected my right ear.  What a Mighty King <3   It was so nice of Him to remind me of that today.  Besides that, he blessed me with such a great afternoon of laughter, he showed me his wonder and how he pumps my heart (I got a test that's like an ultra sound, but on my heart), He is the Redeemer, Protector, Fighter, Lover, and KING!!!  I will write more tonight if I can, but I'm not sure how I'll feel after they put in the IV (pray for IVS -- we need to have to IVs in my arms running at the same time).  And.. they are getting ready to start, so my arms are kind of needed to make this successful :P  Thanks for the prayers.

I can hear because God is love.

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