Helllooo! I currently am IV free! It's been one week on the IVs, and I only have one more to go so I got to take it out for a few hours today since we have to change the needle. WOO! I can't wait to take a legit hot shower. I can't shower with it in. Wash my hair and take baths I can do. But a legit shower -- ahh can't wait. I also have been back to school! My professor is so nice to me, and although I admit the class is not the most intense, I love that I CAN GO! Yesterday was weird because I got so much accomplished.. I felt good, was breathing good, got my to-do list practically done, even did my hair fancy (I was just in the mood to play around with my hair), and went to egg stuffing for the egg-strav.. and out of all that.. I didn't take time out to read my Bible. I wasn't in the mood to pray.. How awful. How can God give us so much, and we still consistantly turn from him? How can I KNOW that he's such a great God, and still rather watch a movie instead of spend time with him? Ugh. Please pray about that for me. I LOVE being able to feel better and use my body more, but in that, I don't want to forget about my God dates. So.. if you feel like praying, pray for a deeper relationship for Jesus and I, and that I'd be such soft clay in His hands, willing to be molded! Thanks!
My breathing is getting good! It's not wonderful, but it's definitely better than it was earlier this week. I went to class today, and was pretty beat afterwards, but I don't know if that was just from sitting in class, or health. I'm going with just from sitting down for awhile. I don't really have much to write.. except that God is good! :] Read Acts 28:3-5 .. I LOVE how Paul just shakes the snake off his hand and is unharmed. God protects his people :] And then he gives us visuals. I mean, there is SOOO MUCH that happens that we DON'T see where He is working behind the scenes.. but being the doubters we are -- we need proof. I mean his own disciple didn't believe he was raised from the dead -- he wanted to touch and see Jesus' wounds.. and Jesus let him. After ALL Jesus had done for him, and has done for us, He wants us so badly that he lets us SEE the "proof", as if his creation isn't enough, as if us breathing, being alive, feeling the wind, hearts beating, eyes blinking, bodies testifying of his extreme detail in our lives, isn't enough proof. Our autogenic bodies are just working by themselves right? Wrong. In other words, every pump our heart beats, every breath our lungs inhale, the fact that we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dyoxide, our organs simultaneaously working together is not just coincidence.. in fact, there's too much, that we don't even understand or know about the body for it to just work. Did you just take a breath? The God of the entire universe, who created EVERYTHING from the Grand Canyon to each individual blade of grass, just expanded and contracted your lungs. Are you still reading this? That means you're alive! Yay! And you probably didn't know this but within one minute, your heart typically beats 60-80 times. SIXTY TO EIGHTY TIMES! Now if you live in NJ you're lucky because then you don't pump your own gas, or your heart. But fortunately, unlike the gas pumping thing, it doesn't matter where you live for God to pump your heart. So.. how long did it take you to read this? Multiply it by 70 (we'll go for the middle), and that's how many beats God lovingly, and gently pumped your heart just now. AH I love it! God's hand is always on us.. but we have to accept him. Tonight in the notes of my Bible it talked about how some people are within hearing distance to the Kingdom of God. They hear the gospel, but they choose not to accept. It's not a matter of whether or not you think you need God right now (which if you want to keep that 60-80 beats from going to 0 you do), and it's not a matter of having the "proof" (but if you seek God, you'll find him... he might not show you the "proof" youre looking for right away, but it's there) it's about making a choice to not be a child of God. How do you respond to the gospel? Are you ready to recognize that the breath you just took is from the very same God who gave you your first breath? Are you ready to be like Paul, following Christ where He leads, a child of God, and protected as such?
I'm protected because God is love.
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