Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Loose, footloose.

It's been foreverrrrr since I've written on here, sorry.  Basically in a nut shell, I am not feeling that great.  My breathing is not really getting better, and I've been so tired that I just stay home all the time.  This past week I have gone out a few times.. went to the mall to shop for a dress/accessories for a wedding -- it was hard.  I was SO beat when we got home.  But how nice is God?  I'll tell you.  Well, I can't really tell you just how nice He is because that's beyond words, and beyond what I even know or understand, but I'll tell you something nice He did.  Saturday was Nisha and Matt's wedding (yaay!) and I love to dance at weddings and stuff, but this wedding was more important to dance at because Nisha and I have this inside joke of interpretive dance, and I love her and really wanted to be able to celebrate!  However, with the breathing going as it is, I didn't really know if I'd be able to really dance.  At the beginning of the reception, I was tired, and I didn't have the umph to get up and dance, but soon after... I did!  I danced!  A lot!  I had to take breaks to catch my breath and things, but only short breaks, and it was really fun!  Thank you God :]  So the next day was Sunday and the pastor's wife at my dad's church says to him, "what was Emily doing last night at 7:30?"  She told him that God put it upon her heart all of a sudden at 7:30 to pray for me, but she didn't know why.  7:30 was when the reception started.  Bah!  So cool.  And God is just soo indescribable. 

On another note, my doctor changed my treatment plan.  I do my regular treatment, then wait a half hour, then do this second treatment which is kind of harsh.  We've tried it three times in the past and I couldn't tolerate it, but this time it's not as bad!  Thank Jesus!  It is still really frustrating because it hurts my throat, and makes me cough a lot (which is good) but then my throat hurts from the coughing too.  Last night it felt like I was coughing all night -- I was less than thrilled, and my chest started to hurt.  But hopefully this time around the medicine will work, and it seems to be working better than the last times.  Oh!  I went back to school for the first time since Ohio yesterday, too!  God blessed my class situation so much -- I emailed the class saying I was absent cause I had to have surgery, not just because I'm a slacker haha and could anyone fill me in on the work.  Everyone was so nice when they emailed back, and it turns out I really didn't miss much at all.  On top of that, I walk into class and my professor smiles and tells me she's so happy to have me back, to take it easy and not worry about anything, "everything will be ok" haha AND she prepared notes for me to study while I was gone.  How sweet!  The class is long, and the professor reads right from the book, so the class gets a little.. less than exciting lol but it's soo great to be able to go!  After class I swung by Jesus Book to say hello to everyone and get some tracts.  That was enough of a day for me.  I got home and was beat.  You know when you're so tired, you can't even sleep?  And then you're in a terrible mood and everything seems like this huge deal when it's not?  That's how it was last night, and then on top of the coughing... Oy!  My poor mother still put up with me and watched some of a movie with me lol she's such a gift --- sometimes. hehe just kidding just kidding!  My parents are seriously one of my biggest blessings.  But anyway, today it was hard to wake up again.. it wasn't yesterday morning though.  And at 12 my dad is coming home to take me to the doctors because the doc wants to talk to us about some test results.  So.. we'll see what happens!

Oh! I almost forgot.  Although my treatment plan is kind of annoying since it's longer.. I had been praying that I would spend more time with God.  Like have that morning time with him and stuff, but I fall asleep in the mornings.  But now, since I do a treatment, it kind of wakes me up, and then I have the time in between treatments to pray and stuff!  I love how God REALLY  DOES work everything together for good for those who love him and have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).  And .. as much as I complain and hate it, the treatments are a gift from God.  They help me, even if I don't enjoy doing them.  I wouldn't be able to enjoy anything else if I didn't do them.  I just had to add that in because I didn't want to not acknowledge such a blessing in my life, even if it doesn't seem like one at the time.

I danced because God is love.

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