Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Long time no talk

I haven't been on here in what feels like forever!  Sorry!  Well, we are HOME!! YAY!! It was sooo nice to come home, and have the puppies be all happy we were home, and Nicole was at our house to greet us still, and Dani and Leslie decorated my car and front door!  What a nice surprise!  Also, I spoke with my manager and she is so willing to work with me, it's so great.  God has just so blessed me.  Now that we're home, I'm trying to do four therapies a day.  It doesn't always work out, but I'm getting at least three in, which is good.  Jesus won us a mighty victory through this journey, but in my selfishness, it's kind of disappointing that He's not done yet.  Let me better explain.  God promises us that our suffering will not last a moment longer than what is needed to fulfill His glory.  The victory He gave us with the fungus ball, the recovery, the flu, everything, was incredible.. IS incredible.  However, I still have CF.  So, I guess I kind of built up in my mind that I'd be breathing great after this procedure, but I'm not.  I'm actually breathing pretty hard, coughing a lot, and really tired.  It's hard to balance because I guess it was a little unrealistic to expect to bounce back up when we got home, however, nothing is impossible with God (CLEARLY!).  But alas, God has more glory to get!  And don't get me wrong, I want to bring it to him!  I was just kind of hoping to do that while breathing nicely hehe.  Even when things are hard to balance though, the Word of the Lord stands forever.  That does not shake!  Thank Jesus!  And He reminds me..

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 .

Praise God!  It amazes me how uninterested I can be in reading the Word, but when I finally make myself read it, I don't want to stop.  Anyway, I went for a walk yesterday.  Celeste came over and motivated me to go haha otherwise I really wouldn't have.  It took a lot out of me and I had to do a treatment as soon as I got home because it was pretty hard to breathe.  I went on a walk again today with Pip!  I'm trying to train him to walk nicely on a leash, but so far it isn't exactly working out.  The poor thing was so scared to be on a walk without Sprocket, I had to carry him a few houses back.  I breathed all right, much better than yesterday!  I still had to do a treatment when I got home though.  I think it's so awesome the science and everything that God has given us.  I can't breathe -- I do a treatment.  How did someone figure out the right medicines and everything?  Sorry my thoughts are kind of scattered today.  But the main thing is God is soooo nice!  He knows every little piece of our body, every hair on our head, our names.  He isn't a God that generalizes, but he knows each and everyone of us so personally.  And he planned our days before one came to pass.  He knew I would need treatments, and I'm living in a time when I can get them.  They're invented, they're available.  He made our bodies, he provides our every need.  It's too much to even comprehend.  But anyway, I have to keep exercising and stuff to try and improve my lungs and muscles, so feel free to pray about that!  Also, that I grow closer to God and truly live for him and not myself, and be able to discern the difference haha.  Thanks!

I am home because God is love!

P.S.  I don't know why but today I was thinking how God is like that carpet cleaning place -- I wanna say stanley steamers?  They're motto is "Tough on dirt, gentle on carpets."  And I was thinking that's how God is.  He takes away our stains, but He's kind and gentle to us.  haha I don't know but I just wanted to share that. 

1 comment:

  1. Just thinking about this with you in mind today, "I hear the Savior say, thy strength indeed is small, child of weakness watch and pray, find in me thine all in all..." (lyrics from "Jesus Paid It All")
