Sunday, February 13, 2011


Wow, I can't believe I forgot to type this part -- at cracker barrell they have the little gift shop thing before you go into the restaurant, and there's this whole little section for God.  They had a bunch of wall decor with pictures and verses on them -- and all the verses were somehow relationg to how God takes care of us, how He is ALWAYS with us, how He fights for us and rescues us.  How awesome for Him to remind me :]  How much more awesome that it's true.  A lot of people dwell on the fact that Jesus goes through things with us, which is absolutely true.  But sometimes we forget that He's not just partnering us in our suffering, He's actually FIGHTING for us.  We aren't at battle with God on the side just being like Oh yea, Here's strength to get through.  HE BATTLED AND BATTLES FOR US.  He doesn't just fight either, He wins -- He's the knight in shining armor, the strong warrior who doesn't get defeated.  The Mighty God who came to our RESCUE.  How incredible..  Those scars on his hands are for us.  There's no other reason but us.  No alterior motive.  He suffered. just. for. us.  And still, He got the unfair trade of this -- Some people don't even let Him in, and even when we do and accept salvation and rescue, we still turn from Him constantly, and still constantly He's winning us back, pouring out love, and reassuring us in places we would never expect - like cracker barrell.  Jesus Christ is not a god of love as we know it, He has a totally different definition -- freeing, forgiving, forever love.  Sometimes I get a misguided vision of God's love because people hold grudges, or will only love you if the love is returned, or don't love you if you do something wrong, etc.  People's love is limited, but God says that He is patient, and kind, not envious, is not boastful or proud.  Imagine that?  Anytime we do wrong, we can go back to God without any "I told you so".  Jesus is not rude, angry or selfish.  And the biggest part of all -- Jesus does not keep records of our wrongs!!!  (1 Corinthians 13:4-5) In other words, Jesus doesn't just refresh His promises for every single day, but every single time we sin, mess up, go to Him with sincere hearts for forgiveness, our slates are clean baby!  What kind of love is that?!  It doesn't get brought up again or held against us, but instead Jesus impresses us again with gifts of love.  Wow.

I am swept off my feet because God is love.

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